resources and further reading
Lifeline 24/7 help - 131 114
Beyond Blue 24/7 help - 1300 22 4636
KHL Kids Help Line 24/7 help - 1800 459 975
Parent Line – 1300 1300 52
Free parenting and counselling support for parents and carers who live in NSW with children aged 0-18
Mensline – 1300 789 978
Mental Health Access Line 24/7 help - 1800 011 511
In case you are feeling like you can’t keep yourself safe.
Raising Children Network -
Provides free parenting videos, articles and apps backed by Australian experts.
Parentshop -
Resources and training for parents and practitioners
Available in the App Store
Beyond Now – to create a plan and stay safe
Smiling Mind – to be mindful and in the present moment
Calm Harm – to reduce urges to self harm